Health Star Rating (HSR) Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

Conflict of Interest Register





13 December 2016

Malcolm Riley

Declared that he is currently contracted to undertake some HSR work for a food company, however the contract is due to expire shortly.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

13 December 2016

Malcolm Riley

Declared that his employer is a joint owner of the FoodTrack database and there may be a conflict when discussing FoodTrack.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

13 December 2016

Kim Tikellis

Declared that she is completing some work for the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) and is a member of the Communication and Education Working Group of the Healthy Food Partnership.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

31 January 2017

Kim Tikellis

Declared that she has finished her term with ILSI.

Members noted the declarations and agreed that it will be identified if/when relevant issues are discussed.

31 January 2017

Wendy Watson

Declared that she contributed to two letters sent to the HSR Advisory Committee (HSRAC) identifying issues with the HSR system.

Members noted the declarations and agreed that it will be identified if/when relevant issues are discussed.

31 January 2017

Alexandra Jones

Declared that she contributed to one letter sent to HSRAC identifying issues with the HSR system.

Members noted the declarations and agreed that it will be identified if/when relevant issues are discussed.

31 January 2017

Greg Gambrill

Declared that he works for the food industry.

Members noted the declarations and agreed that it will be identified if/when relevant issues are discussed.

30 June 2017

Malcolm Riley

Declared that his contract to undertake some HSR work for a food company has expired.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

4 August 2017

Kim Tikellis

Declared that the food company for which she works has provided submissions for the ‘as prepared’ public consultation process and the five year review public consultation process and has also submitted product nutrient data in response to the request for data from the TAG Chair.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

4 August 2017

Greg Gambrill

Declared that the food company for which he works has provided submissions for the ‘as prepared’ public consultation process and the five year review public consultation process and has also submitted product nutrient data in response to the request for data from the TAG Chair.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

4 August 2017

Alexandra Jones

Declared that the organisation for which she works has provided submissions for the ‘as prepared’ public consultation process and the five year review public consultation process.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

4 August 2017

Wendy Watson

Declared that the organisation for which she works has provided submissions for the ‘as prepared’ public consultation process and the five year review public consultation process.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

4 August 2017

Phillippa Hawthorne

Declared that the New Zealand HSR Advisory Group has provided a submission for the ‘as prepared’ public consultation process and that the organisation for which she works has provided a submission for the five year review public consultation process.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

4 August 2017

Elizabeth Flynn

Declared that the Commonwealth Department of Health has provided a submission for the five year review public consultation process.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

12 September 2017

Greg Gambrill

Declared that he is speaking at the Public Health Association of Australia HSR Forum on 27 November 2017.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

12 September 2017

Wendy Watson

Declared that she is participating on a panel at the Public Health Association of Australia HSR Forum on 27 November 2017.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

12 September 2017

Megan Cobcroft

Declared that she is participating on a panel at the Public Health Association of Australia HSR Forum on 27 November 2017.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

13 November 2017

Greg Gambrill

Declared that he is attending an Industry meeting on 7 December 2017, in Sydney.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

13 November 2017

Greg Gambrill

Declared that he is attending an Industry meeting on 13 December 2017, in Sydney.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

5 December 2017

Kim Tikellis

Declared that the food company for which she works has submitted data on wholegrain via the Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

5 December 2017

Malcolm Riley

Declared that he is currently working on a contract with an Australian dairy food company.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.

9 August 2018

Malcolm Riley

Declared that he was commencing work with a beverage company to evaluate general level health claims.

Members noted the declaration and agreed that no further action was necessary.